Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Natural Remedy Succeeds Against Cancer And Hiv In South Africa

by: Tony Isaacs

Years ago, when I first began research into the amazing oleander plant, I ended up as a member of two Yahoo Health Groups about oleander. One was named "Anvirzel" (after the patented Oleander medicine which had passed FDA phase 1 trials a few years earlier) and the other "Oleandersoup" (named for the home remedy version of the patented medicine). I became friends and acquaintances with many people close to oleander and Anvirzel, as well as some opponents - one of whom later came after me with hired thugs posing as US Marshalls after I helped expose his fake cancer drug scheme (but that will have to wait for another story).

One of the people I met was a noted South African humanitarian, entrepreneur, crusader and researcher named Marc Swanepoel. Mr. Swanepoel was keenly interested in the oleander plant due to the epidemic of HIV-AIDS in his native country as well as the number of indigent cancer patients who could not afford mainstream treatment options (which were largely ineffective anyway). Like several of us in the groups, Mr. Swanepoel began making his own oleander home remedy after the instructions were posted by Ed Hensley "The Father of Oleander Soup" and the first moderator of the Yahoo "Oleandersoup" group. Unlike the rest of us, Mr. Swanepoel took things a few steps further and he began searching the Brazilian Rain Forest and his native South Africa for other botanicals to combine with oleander.

After testing various combinations, Mr. Swanepoel settled on two similar botanical supplements which consisted of 80% oleander extract made exactly according to the oleander soup instructions. The first supplement was for HIV/AIDS patients and it added extracts of the agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) mushroom, cats claw, and pau de arco, while the second supplement, intended for cancer, substituted the relatively rare chrysobalanus icaco (red-tipped coco plum) for the pau de arco. All of the rain forest botanicals added to the oleander have their own histories of successful immune boosting and cancer fighting abilities, some dating back centuries among the indigenous Amazon peoples. I asked Marc why he used oleander for 80% or the mix and he confided that, as potent as the other botanicals were, he felt that oleander was by far the most effective botanical he had ever found.

Mr. Swanepoel soon selected a Brazilian manufacturing facility named Takesun do Brasil to make his supplements for him and he also licensed them to market his supplements around the world. Takesun is managed (or was) by a German PhD named George Otto (The Takesun website, a bit rough in the English version, can be found at http://www.agaricus.net - but I do NOT recommend that you buy any of their products at this time! I will just say that I believe that there are better and more reliable sources and that Marc Swanepoel agrees and leave it at that.)

Ultimately, the OPC product grew to be quite successful, especially in Dr. Otto's native Germany. So much so, that two clinic were built which used only the OPC and Agaricus products and Dr. Otto ended up moving back to Germany where plans are in the works for a hospital built around an oleander/agaricus protocol.

Meanwhile, in South Africa, Mr. Swanepoel returned to his native South Africa and made notable progress of his own - first getting the government to embrace the use of his oleander supplements for HIV and cancer and then getting it accepted by various doctors and clinics as well as gaining some support at the university level. Over the past three years, he and I have kept in touch and he has told me many times of the success his supplements have had in helping HIV and cancer patients, but I have too admit that I was somewhat remiss in digging a bit deeper and finding out the true scope of the success until the first part of this year when I asked Mr. Swanepoel how the patients in South Africa were faring and he reported back:

"Everything still ok here and cancer patients as well as HIV patients on the oleander mix are doing well. The medical doctor in Cape Town who is using the mix for all his cancer patients has continued to have good results. The oncologist where he sends his patients to (a woman) was so impressed with the results that she is now using it herself for prevention.

. . to date, the only patients that did NOT make it on the oleander mix were three patients with very advanced cancer that had metastasized to the liver and who had been on intensive chemo treatments. In my opinion, the effect of the chemo on the and liver and heart eventually led to failure of those organs."

Needless to say, I was very impressed with the news, but after thinking about it, I started to wonder "3 patients out of how many did not make it"? So, to try to get a better perspective I asked Marc in a follow up message and the response I received astounded me! Just when I thought I could not possibly be even more impressed with oleander, based on my research and first hand experience with oleander users including friends and members of my own family, I got this incredible message from Marc:

"Hi Tony,

"Approximately 350 HIV/AIDS patients have used it and about 80 cancer patients on a regular basis. Of the cancer patients, 5 arrived when they had about a week to 10 days to live and they were too weak to keep the mix down. They died without really being able to try the mix. 3 (the ones I mentioned to you) died of liver and heart failure. All the others are still alive, some now for nearly three years. One breast cancer patient who was given a few months to live eventually became the patient of the oncologist who is now also using the mix. She was declared free of cancer by the oncologist approximately 1 year ago and is still doing well. Others used it for a few months until their cancers were gone and we have not heard from them again. One patient with a festering hole of 1cm diameter on his nose (about half a cm deep) have been using it for three months after doctors were unable to cure the tumor with radiation. The hole is now half the size and not festering anymore. It should be healed in about 3 - 6 months. The doctor in Cape Town whose own wife had metastasized cancer to the bones, is now cancer free. She has been on overseas trips and lives a normal life."

Unfortunately, I do not have time to keep track of all the patients. They just collect the mix from me and phone me from time to time to say that they are doing well. It also seems to help for asthma, male impotence and diabetes. One advanced MS patient have now used it for 2 months and is reporting that it seems to help for the pain in her legs. All the distribution is happening by word of mouth and I don't advertise at all. I have had orders from the UK from people who had heard about the successes in South Africa. A documentary maker there was filming the progress of his wife on a weekly basis but, unfortunately, she was one of the liver complications. He still believes very firmly that the mix gave his wife an extra 5 months of high quality life."

I was almost dumbfounded to hear such news. 100% success on HIV and almost the same for cancers? I knew that oleander was almost always successful, but I had never really seen numbers like that before! If I had not known Mr. Swanepoel for years now and know his character and accomplishments I would have doubted such numbers myself - and I am maybe the number one oleander fan in the galaxy!

The numbers Mr. Swanepoelquote, mirror the results I am familiar with from around the world and in my own family, friends and health forum - especially those who combine a good diet and lifestyle and do not depend on oleander alone. For years, it has pretty much been used as a stand alone product. Marc, like myself, has recommended cleansing and de-toxing along with a very healthy diet and lifestyle to go along with the oleander. I take it a step further and recommend that other immune boosting and cancer fighting supplements also be used - not because I have any doubts in the magical powers of oleander, but because I think the more weapons in your arsenal, the more likely you are to win the battle and the war.

Recently, I received yet another update:

"Tony -

Since my last update to you when the total number of HIV/AIDS patients were about 350 and the total number of cancer patients were about 80, I have given the new mix to an additional 130 people with advanced AIDS and to a further 15 people with cancer. The people with AIDS, without exception, are doing fine and mostly resume their normal activities after 6 - 8 weeks. The son of the senior nurse at the clinic where I am doing my research was a case with advanced AIDS, badly swollen legs and barely walking with the aid of crutches. After 4 weeks, he does not need the crutches anymore and his mother reports that he is now singing in the morning. There are many similar cases and I have no doubt that the oleander mix can control HIV/AIDS better than the antiretrovirals.

I do not supply the mixture to many new cancer patients locally myself, but the doctor in Cape Town as well as two other people are regularly taking a total of at least 15 bottles of the mixture (500ml) from me every month for patients and friends who hear about it by word of mouth. The guy with the hole in the nose is now ok and the wound is nearly gone. He has brought another friend with a similar open cancerous wound on the nose that doctors have been unable to cure and he is taking the mix as well as an ointment that I make (ozonated olive oil mixed with the oleander). He has been taking it for 3 weeks and reports that he can already see a difference.

Two of the cancer patients who were in remission had recurrences of small tumours (but not in the same place as before). Against my advice, they had both stopped using the mix after their doctors had declared them clear of any tumours. As I mentioned to you before, I believe the cancer will always return UNLESS one changes the things that caused the cancer in the first place. The oleander and all other successful treatments allow one the breathing space to give effect to such changes.



As a final note: Mr. Swanepoel has recently began manufacturing his own OPC oleander supplement and, after a lengthy period of testing, also changed the formula to 80% oleander and 20% sutherlandia frutescens (the South Africa "Cancer Bush". He reports that the new addition does more than the other three combined ingredients in the other formulations. Mr. Swanepoel is in fact, doing a doctoral thesis based on the use of oleander in combination with s. frutescens that should be completed in a few months.

For those who would like to know a bit more about the South Africa "Cancer Bush", you can find a wealth of information at http://www.sutherlandia.org

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies" (http://www.rose-laurel.com)

The Father Of The Oleander Soup Cancer Remedy

by: Tony Isaacs

In the earlier article “An Amazing Discovery in Turkey”, I described how Doctor H. Z. Ozel discovered an age old remedy for cancer and other conditions in rural Turkey in the early 1960’s and, after successfully treating thousands of patients over the past 40 years, Dr. Ozel patented the medicine and it was entered into FDA trials. Unfortunately, after passing phase I trials, the patented medicine known as Anvirzel™ has languished for lack of funding (many consider a the patent, based on an age old remedy and common plant to be a weak one) and inter-company squabbles – and it may be many years, if ever, before this promising cancer fighter reaches the market as an FDA approved medicine.

The good news is that you do not have to wait for the approved medication, because you can make your own oleander extract at home on your stovetop, based on the original patent by Doctor Ozel and the folk remedy that has been used for thousands of years. Oleander is a naturally growing plant found all over the southern and southwestern United States and throughout much of the world, and if it isn’t growing naturally near you, you can order oleander plants from many mail-order nurseries on the internet. (There are also at least three sources of a commercial supplement version I am aware of, but that will have to wait for a future article.)

Yes, you can make your own oleander remedy, known as “oleander soup” at home about as easily as a large pot of beans, and for that, you can thank a personal injury lawyer by the name of Edward F. Hensley, from San Antonio, Texas, whom I call the "Father of Oleander Soup".

In 2002, Ed’s mother was diagnosed with liver and lung cancer, small cell, and a sister with Hepatitis-C. Ed’s sister, Catrina (Cat), began researching and networking with her friends for answers to the doctor’s prognosis that Betty Hensley only had a few months to live. After contacting one of her old friends, she was told about a clinic in Honduras she could contact and discuss a new cancer drug, which was being made in San Antonio. Cat made a few calls and found who to order the drug from. It cost $1500.00 for a six-week supply of what was called Anvirzel™. Cat, Ed, and their brother John put up the initial funds and the drug was ordered.

Betty had been seeing an oncologist in San Antonio, who advised of the risks of chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, and the fact that in her advanced stage, it would have only a small chance of extending her life, and a big chance of serious side effects, including destroying her immune system. Even so, she did try chemo for several weeks, with no result. When the Anvirzel™ arrived, she began injecting it with Cat’s help, following the instructions provided by the medical doctor in Honduras. After three weeks she went in for new scans with her oncologist. The new films showed the tumors in both her lungs and her liver were shrinking. Her doctor could not directly participate in the injections, but agreed to research the drug.

When the six week supply was about gone, and Betty was very sore at the site of her injections, Ed began researching what this new drug was made of, and what it’s long term usage going to do, and cost. The FDA had a letter posted on its site, warning about the drug, made from the oleander plant, saying it was unproven and should not be used. Yet, the clinic in Honduras was reporting many successful cures of several types of cancer, including juvenile brain cancer.

Ed was determined to find out what was in the drug, and went to the U.S. Patent office web site and researched using the term Anvirzel™. After several searches, Ed found the patent. It was about 39 pages of legalese, written in the language of patent attorneys, who charge $400 per hour for writing patents, which only lawyers and scientists dare to read.

After several weeks of part time study, the patent began to make sense. It was simply a very confusing, overly detailed, and exaggerated method of making a soup out of the leaves and stems of a common plant, oleander. No problem. Ed had huge oleander plants in his back yard, which were very healthy ornamentals with beautiful flowers year-round. Making the soup was as simple as getting a soup pot, some clippers, an electric hot plate, and a place to cook. Ed’s wife, Carol, would not permit him to cook it in her kitchen, so Ed was resigned to his outside store room, a 10x18 foot building storing yard tools and seasonal sports equipment.

After burning several pots of soup because the heat was too high, Ed turned down the heat, and boiled the water and oleander clippings for four hours. Then he took out the leaves and stems, and strained the remaining broth, using paper towels and plastic strainers. Per Dr. Ozel’s method in the patent, he allowed the broth to cool before straining. He then slow boiled the broth until only about one fifth of the original liquid was left in the bottom of the 12-quart pot.

Ed measured the specific gravity with an anti-freeze gauge, which showed the measurements on a small scale. It was where Dr. Ozel recommended in the patent, about as thick as chicken soup broth. Next, 10 feeder mice were purchased and given the new liquid, which Ed named “oleander soup”, as their only source of liquid for two weeks, with all the mouse food they could eat. The mice gained weight, were kind of lazy, but remained alive and looking well.

Ed’s mother was about out of her supply of Anvirzel™ at that point, so Ed took a bottle of the soup to Betty’s house for a comparison with her drug. It looked the same. It tasted the same. The new soup was fresh, not freeze dried and re-constituted, and according to Betty, tasted fresher. Ed went first and tried some, about a teaspoon. Betty then tried it, taking a teaspoon full. She declared she liked the fresh version better, and that was that. She took oral doses three times a day with meals, with diarrhea the only side effect, which subsided after a week.

Her tests three weeks later were surprising, showing the tumors were still shrinking and were almost gone. A month later, she had no tumors at all. Betty quit taking the soup after another month, after her doctor declared she was free of cancer.

Sadly, about eight months later, feeling healthy, and energetic, Betty flopped down on her bed for a nap, and felt her collar bone snap. Tests showed cancer in the bone, and it was aggressive. Her oncologist referred her to another doctor who recommended some strong new chemotherapy, and discouraged her from going back on the oleander extract. In two months the chemo had slowed the bone cancer, but had also destroyed her kidneys. She died a month later of kidney failure, never taking another drop of the oleander soup or Anvirzel™, which had previously saved her life. But she trusted her oncologist, who was very nice and very persuasive. Thankfully, Betty did live to be 88 years of age. She had been a heavy, two pack a day smoker since Ed’s father gave her a cigarette when she was 18. He died at 61 from coronary disease, directly related to his heavy smoking.

Catrina had been dealing with Hepatitis-C, a serious liver condition, which often leads to liver cancer. She began making her own oleander soup and took it, hoping it would stop her condition. It did. In less than two months, her Hepatitis-C was gone. Her liver enzymes were normal. It has not returned in over two years. She has shared the recipe with doctors from Mexico who are treating poor patients with aids, cancer, Hepatitis-c, and psoriasis. A friend of hers reports her rheumatoid arthritis symptoms have gone using the homemade remedy. She laughs when describing the scene in her kitchen, with a big pot of boiling leaves, and two Mexican brothers, medical doctors, standing there taking notes on how to cook something not nearly as difficult as “boracho beans” or chicken mole, two favorite Mexican dishes.

Later in 2003, Ed was surfing the Internet, looking for sites that referenced “Anvirzel™”. He found the Minnesota Wellness Directory site, and read their remarks about how good the prospects were for this new extract made from poisonous oleander leaves. Ed e-mailed the host the recipe and a short summary of his research. After the host, David, researched the concept and the soup recipe, including getting opinions from his herbalist and medical friends, he published the recipe on his site in his June 2003 newsletter, with warnings about its use.

Not one of his friends reported a problem with the soup, and many of them reported that their cancers and other disorders were improved.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author

The author, Tony Isaacs, is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies" (http://www.rose-laurel.com)

Modern Medicine Versus Nature In Treating Cancer - Part 1

by: Tony Isaacs

In contrast to at least 6000 years of the practice of natural medicine, Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease - fixing or repairing the parts where the symptoms of underlying illnesses manifest themselves, modern medicine fails miserably.

In the instance of cancer, instead of addressing the causes of cancer - toxins and a weakened immune system - we see instead treatments that either slash, burn or poison away the tumors and cancer cells, which further weakens an immune system cancer has already defeated and only worsens the conditions that led to cancer to begin with.

Even if initially successful at getting rid of existing cancer cells and tumors, the end result is a weakened body which may have major organ damage and which is more susceptible to the reappearance of the original cancer, as well as other forms of cancer and diseases.

For half a century or more, we have been told that a breakthrough or cure for cancer is just around the corner, yet the death rates for cancer remain virtually unchanged. Meanwhile, effective natural and alternative treatments which address and correct the actual causes of cancer continue to enjoy much greater success than the largely failed mainstream treatments - even as these natural alternatives suppressed and come under increasing attack by the medical establishment.

Profit plays a huge role in Western medicine and, because nature cannot be patented, there is no profit in conducting studies on natural remedies for cancer and illness. In fact, if studies were to prove the effectiveness of natural alternatives and those alternatives were to be approved for use in treating cancer and other illnesses, the result would be to admit cheaper, safer and more effective competition into a fiercely guarded market. Instead, such alternatives are heavily suppressed, discredited and passed off as "snake oil" and "voodoo medicine".

The cold, hard fact is that cancer and other degenerative and chronic illnesses are big business - to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. When their only market place is our bodies, the vested interests of the trillion dollar world pharmaceutical empire, mainstream medicine and the institutions which depend on maintaining the status quo are not likely to allow such natural competition, even though the cost is millions of needless deaths and untold suffering.

A better plan for maintaining and increasing profit is to continue to bring new drugs into the market place which treat only symptoms and have serious side effects that lead to still more drugs in a never ending cycle so that by the time a male American reaches 65 years of age, he takes an average of 15 prescribed and over the counter medications every day - when it all started out with one or two conditions that could have been treated safely and effectively by natural means. A good model for profit, but a horrible one for humanity.

We now have over 15,000 patented and approved drugs, 95% of which have significant side effects. It is no accident that our doctors have been taught for generations, just as we have been, that the way to treat illness and disease is to prescribe approved medications – medications that are made by the single largest source by far of funding for medical education: the world pharmaceutical companies. What exactly has this mountain of medicine actually cured in the past half century? Certainly not cancer!

By far the most effective way to beat and avoid cancer is to remove the causes of cancer and to make your body as inhospitable to cancer and illness as possible. To understand what steps we should and can take, we should understand what we know about cancer:

We know that:

* The development of cancer indicates that our natural first line of defense, our immune system, has been defeated and that the presence of either toxins and pathogens, or some imbalance in our bodies have led to the development of cancer and enabled it to gain an upper hand.

* Cancer cannot develop without an impaired liver.

* Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment, nor can it survive in a highly oxygenated environment.

* Detoxing and cleansing our colons and liver helps restore balance, prepares our bodies to better be able utilize natural immune boosters and cancer fighters and paves the way to rebuilding our livers and immune systems.

* Cancer cells are diseased, impaired and/or beset by pathogens and have lost the ability to to be die naturally via cellular apoptosis and be replaced by healthy cells. These cancerous cells simply become abnormal and outlive the other cells in their normal cell life/replacement cycle and end up crowding out a territory over time.

* Iodine, vitamin D, and potassium are all vital to beat and ward off cancer.

* Fresh air, pure water and sunshine are also vital to maintain healthy bodies which can fight off and beat conditions like cancer.

* A natural diet of uncontaminated raw vegetables and raw fruits, with plenty of omega-3’s and balanced nutrition has been proven to be effective in numerous natural anti-cancer protocols.

* A great number of natural botanicals and supplements, such as those containing beta glucans and other long-chain polysacharrides, the oleander remedy I have written about, Colloidal Silver, Inositol (IP-6), the ABM mushroom, South Africa's "Cancer Bush" sutherlandia frutescans, cat's claw, pau d'arco, corialus versicolor mushroom, and many others have been proven to boost the immune system, destroy pathogens, protect our cells, and beat cancer.

* Sugar feeds cancer.

And so, when we go to an oncologist and are diagnosed with cancer what is the prescribed treatment? Does it incorporate ANY of the above elements? No, sadly it does not. Our doctor prescribes what he or she has been taught: cut out, radiate or poison the symptom and do nothing to address the underlying causes and natural imbalances that enabled led to the symptom.

As a result, the way is paved for the return of the cancer or the introduction of another cancer or serious condition. Even worse, the road to further illness is often made easier due to the damage to the immune system and major organs caused by the treatment of the symptom.

Nature, on the other hand, enables us to address virtually every area of knowledge and concern.

(And this concludes part 1 of Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer. In part 2, we will take a look at what nature might have to offer to address all the characteristics we know about cancer – and to beat it and keep it at bay.)

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" (http://www.rose-laurel.com). He manages "The Best Years in Life" website (http://www.tbyil.com) and is a featured author for Utopia Silver (http://tinyurl.com/2ynqk).

An Amazing Cancer Remedy Discovered In Turkey

by: Tony Isaacs

My search for a possible cancer cure began in late 2004 when I found out that my cousin and lifelong friend had been diagnosed as having stage-three melanoma. The cancer had appeared out of nowhere and so it was quite a shock to my cousin and everyone close to him.

As luck would have it, I had spent a lot of time the previous four years or so working on my dream of someday posting a website aimed at helping aging baby boomers and others live longer, healthier and happier lives. Naturally, a lot of my research involved searching for ways to ward off and treat diseases and ills such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney and liver disease, and so forth.

When I found out about my cousin, I began to redouble my efforts and focus my research more on cancer. I found a lot of very good information about fighting cancer and other diseases, boosting our immune systems and improving health in general. However, it was not my research that led me to finding out about the magical, miraculous oleander plant – it was a card game!

Yes, the way I first heard about the healing powers of oleander happened one evening when I was sitting down at a friendly card game and mentioned my cousin’s cancer. An acquaintance of mine whom I had known for a few years and who had worked for the American Medical Association at one time, looked across the table at me and, as serious as could be, said “I know a cure.” He then proceeded to tell me an amazing story of what he knew about oleander. Later, I found others who told me essentially the same basic story, although each person seemed to have a slightly different version. Although the versions I heard have differed somewhat, the basic story line I believe to be essentially correct is as follows:

In the early 1960's a Turkish doctor by the name of Huseyin Ziya Ozel was searching for a cure for his pet dog’s cancer when he noticed that a large number of Turkish villagers referred to him came from high altitudes and he thought that perhaps there was more to the story than just the higher incidence of skin cancer associated with higher altitudes:

In many versions of the story, Doctor Ozel was reported to have observed Turkish villagers drinking an oleander remedy, which pretty much correlates with the description of Oleander Leaf on the American Cancer Society website, where it states that Doctor Ozel started his study of oleander because of folk traditions that suggested that an extract from oleander was active against leukemia.

Further research showed that Nerium Oleander was most abundant in lower altitudes and practically did not exist at high altitude. Satisfied that he may have determined the cause of the villager’s good health, Doctor Ozel became intrigued with the plant and began to prepare and work with various extracts of Oleander himself in 1966 while he was the head of the surgical department at Mugla State Hospital of Turkey.

Doctor Ozel first conducted animal studies to determine that the substance was non-toxic and, once he determined the toxicology and effects of Nerium Oleander Extract (or NOE), he conducted further experiments and developed his treatment in various forms until he eventually started tests on terminal human cases.

After initial success in treating human cancer patients with NOE, Doctor Ozel began to discussing his findings with other professionals in his field. He sought analysis of the extract from various Turkish laboratories to understand the empirical results. They were unable to characterize the extracted compounds. In hope of gaining assistance from the government or research organizations, he prepared a paper to present his first human cases at the Fourth Balkanic Medical Days Symposium held in Ankara on 20 September 1973.

The cases presented were all considered terminal cases when the patients came to Doctor Ozel. By law, he could not treat patients with an experimental drug, such as NOE, unless they had exhausted all other conventional treatment methods with no response or were diagnosed as advanced stage, terminal cases. At the symposium he was able to call the attention of the scientific community to NOE and how the extract had shown to be efficacious on cancer cases of different varieties. He was sure that his presentation would trigger serious and abundant research on NOE, and that it finally could be put into service for mankind.

The response from the scientific community was less than overwhelming. The skepticism centered mainly on the fact that the presentation contradicted what little literature there was on oleander species. Clearly the results presented could not be explained as an extension of prior art but Turkish scientists strongly denied the facts that Doctor Ozel had presented without any further research. To conclude, the medical community was reluctant to accept the results. Doctor Ozel was undaunted by the criticism and lack of support for the ideas presented. He continued his research and patients continued to seek treatment.

In 1974, he published additional case reports in the Turkish Medical Journal “Dirim”. Doctor Ozel resigned from his position as Chief Doctor at Mugla State Hospital that same year in order to be able to work on NOE and initiate research on the subject,

Doctor Ozel contacted various universities in Istanbul. Years passed and he realized that no serious scientific research could be performed in any of the local universities. In the meantime, his old patients referred new ones to him, and more cancer patients presented to him as word of the results of the treatment spread.

In 1985 he started to look for research facilities abroad. During 1986-1987 some tests performed in Europe proved the effect of NOE on the immune system as well as cancer tumors. The studies showed that it was at least six times as potent as the most active commercially available immune-stimulants (Schizophylan, Krestin and Lentinan, which were patented by the Japanese in the 1980s).

In 1988, a research team was formed at Munich University Pharmacology Institute to isolate the active components contained in the N.O. extract. Several polysaccharides were identified that might be responsible for some part of the immune activity. On 17-22 July 1990, the initial results were presented as a poster at the symposium of Biology and Chemistry of Active Natural Substances (BACANS) which was held in Bonn, Germany. The presentation was published in Planta Medica 1990-56:66. However, no single component of the extract was found to be the sole source of its benefits. Instead, the activity is induced by a complex mixture of components contained in the extract, acting synergistically to modulate the immune system.

Since the early 1970’s, Doctor Ozel has been treating patients with advanced and inoperable cancer as well as a wide variety of other of illnesses. His results have been truly remarkable. In fact, so fantastic were the stories of his success that Doctor Ozel had to endure long periods of controversy from the Turkish medical establishment and there were those who tried to charge the good doctor with being a charlatan. Happily, the truth of his successes won out and such charges were dropped from consideration when his results were proven. Scores of patients rose up to defend the good doctor, testifying about how they had been cured when all other treatment options had failed.

The patented name of Doctor Ozel's oleander extract is Anvirzel™, whose trademark was once owned by Ozelle Pharmaceuticals, which was formed by Doctor Ozel’s son and other investors. Today, trademark rights are in dispute. Unfortunately, since Doctor Ozel had claimed that oleander was a cure for cancer, as opposed to a natural supplement, and since his extract was patented and given a trademark, the FDA now considers oleander as an unproven medicine which, because of the toxicity of the raw plant, must have it's safety and effectiveness proven before the FDA will allow it's use even as a herbal supplement, and so it is very difficult to obtain herbal supplements which contain oleander in the United States.

Today, the lengthy and costly three-phase FDA trial process for approval of Anvirzel™ or any other oleander extract, is far from over, although many people and millions of investor dollars are counting on it ultimately being approved. In 2000, Ozelle Pharmaceuticals had successful phase I FDA trials conducted on Anvirzel™, but subsequently ran into investor problems and had to reorganize. Although Ozelle continues to publish plans that it will soon begin phase II trials with Anvirzel™, such plans have not yet reached fruition and funding appears to continue to be a major problem for Ozelle.

In the interim, a competing company, Phoenix Biotech, also obtained a patent for Anvirzel™ in Honduras and has applied for a U.S. patent as well, and a clinic has been established in Honduras by the name of Salud Integral. For the past eight years, the clinic has successfully treated a number of patients, many of whom travel from the United States for initial diagnosis and treatment, as well as three-month supplies of Anvirzel™ for various cancers, hepatitis-C, psoriasis and other immune disorders.

Within just the past three years, a third competing company appeared by the name of Shimoda Atlantic Oncology Biosciences, and claimed to have developed its own oleander extract named Xenavex™ which it claimed was much stronger due to an ethanol extraction method. As it turned out, I and others exposed the company as a fraud that was created to cheat investors and the drug was actually a heart medication imported from Russia. Furthermore, although the imported Russian medicine does have slightly higher concentrations of oleandrin, the ethanol extraction method results in the loss of other compounds that researchers believe work together in a synergistic way to make oleander extract so powerful (over 500 trace compounds have been identified in an aqueous, or water, oleander extract, including vital long-chain polysaccharides that are lost in ethanol extraction methods because they precipitate out during the extraction process).

Sadly, I must report that it may be many years, if ever, before an oleander based medicine wins FDA approval. The simple fact is that it takes hundreds of millions of dollars to get a new drug successfully through all the FDA trials, and this pretty much bars competition to all but the very large pharmaceutical companies. Many feel that if the issue ever went to court, the patent itself would be hard to defend, since it is based on a common plant and a centuries-old folk remedy. Others feel that, because of the billions of dollars in profits at stake for the trillion-dollar world pharmaceutical industry and their myriad cancer treatments, no oleander medicine will ever be approved in the United States.

The best hope as of the time of this writing appears to be the development of an oleander based tablet by Phoenix Biotech which is reported to be have a much stronger concentration of oleandrin and the other cardiac glycosides while losing none of the other essential synergistic compounds. Only time will tell if a major pharmaceutical company with the requisite funds will pick up this new oleander product from Phoenix, shepherd it through FDA trials, and finally bring it to market.

The good news is that there is a home version that can be made right on the stovetop for only pennies! Stay tuned.

Live Long, Live Healthy, Live Happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" (http://www.rose-laurel.com). He manages "The Best Years in Life" website (http://www.tbyil.com) and is a featured author for Utopia Silver (http://tinyurl.com/2ynqk)

Vitamin D – A Closer Look At Cancer Prevention

by: Harry Monell

Vitamin D is the nutrient long known for it's critical role in the body's processing of calcium and subsequent maintenance of the bones and teeth. However, studies are revealing more and more evidence supporting the role of vitamin D in protecting the body by significantly cutting the risk for most forms of cancer. In fact, new research published most recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that vitamin D supplements may lower the risk factor by as much as 77 percent.

The following reveal exciting evidence of the exceptionally strong cancer-protective effects of vitamin D.

Breast Cancer – most recently the results of a study were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggesting that pre-menopausal women who maintain high levels of vitamin D and calcium in their diets have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer. More importantly, high levels of calcium and vitamin D among this group seemed to reduce the most aggressive breast tumors, including those that are likely to spread to the lymph nodes, which contain the most dangerous types of cancer cells. The two nutrients function together to block or interfere with the effects of the IGF (insulin-like growth factor) hormone, which is known to stimulate breast and other cancer cells.

Colon/Rectal Cancer - More than fifty years ago, while realizing the correlation between sunlight and vitamin D blood concentrations, curious scientists began studying weather data around the country, along with health statistics anticipating a relationship between areas with the highest amount of sunshine and lower rates of colon cancer death. New research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska has revealed that supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of colon cancer by nearly 80 percent.

Pancreatic Cancer – known for having one of the highest mortality rates, pancreatic cancer is frequently called the "silent killer" typically because its presence is seldom diagnosed prior to reaching the advanced stages generally considered incurable. Results of two studies that began over thirty years ago, with a combined 170,000 male and female participants revealed evidence that at higher intake levels of vitamin D (at least 600 IU per day) there was a significant reduction in the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Prostate Cancer - Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men in the United States. However, an abundance of clinical research is providing evidence that vitamin D may be a key factor in reducing or eliminating the risk of contracting the disease. Most recent results include a new study indicating that vitamin D generated from about 15 minutes of sunshine per day may help lower the risk of prostate cancer. Other epidemiological studies also show correlations between the risk factors for prostate cancer and conditions that can result in decreased vitamin D levels. And, additional clinical research has shown that the presence of vitamin D inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cells.

Lung Cancer – is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in America, so it is with great promise that a study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention revealed that Vitamin D from a combination of dietary sources and sun exposure appears to improve the survival of patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which accounts for 75% to 80% of all lung cancers. It's interesting to note that group participants who had surgery during the summer months gained a 13% survival advantage over those receiving surgery during the winter.

Recent research indicates that anyone totally avoiding the sun will need an intake of about 4,000 IUs of vitamin D a day! Now, if you do the math this means that it will be impossible from a practical means, to get enough vitamin D from either natural foods or nutritional supplements. Consider the requirement of 40 glasses of milk or 10 multi-vitamin tablets a day. Such an alternative would be an unrealistic and physically dangerous undertaking, to say the least.

Most of us make about 20,000 units of vitamin D after about 20 minutes of summer sun, but if for some reason you're not getting vitamin D from sunshine, you need to take supplemental vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. Since most of us do in fact receive much more vitamin D from the sun than we actually realize, it's reasonable to assume then that the majority of us need to supplement our intake with an additional 2,000 IUs per day, to ensure the risk reduction benefits against all cancer related illness.

For additional information and important resources, please visit http://www.newdaynutrients.com/

Copyright 2007 Harry Monell. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share the entire contents of this article with your friends or post it on your site as long as it is left intact with all links unchanged, including this notice.

About The Author

Harry Monell is writing articles and maintaining New Day Nutrients.com, a website dedicated to promoting better health and vitality by providing useful information, advice and the latest news covering a wide range of health and nutritional topics. For additional information and resources, please copy into your web browser http://www.newdaynutrients.com

After the Cancer Diagnosis: How to Support Yourself and Your Spouse

by: Jayne Hutchinson

Everyone is shocked when they first hear the word cancer. Some people may feel they know the test results before they hear them, but it's still a shock to hear the words spoken out loud. It's usually very difficult to hear or remember anything else after hearing that your loved one has cancer.

For many people, the first few weeks after diagnosis are the most difficult. After you hear the word cancer, you may have trouble listening to what is being said, and asking questions that you may have. When you are at home, you may have trouble thinking, eating, or sleeping. Remember, you are not always going to feel this way. We all struggle to figure out how and why this happened. What went wrong? We want answers, and it can make you crazy. Every cancer is different and there just aren't any answers.

You and your loved one will have many feelings after you hear the word cancer. These feelings can change from day-to-day, hour-to-hour, or even minute-to-minute. Some of the feelings you may both go through include:


Once you accept that your loved one has cancer, you may feel angry and scared. It is normal to ask Why us? and be angry at:

The cancer
Your healthy friends and loved ones
If you are religious, you might even be angry with God

Anger sometimes comes from feelings that are harder to show--such as fear, panic, frustration, anxiety, or helplessness. If you feel angry, don't pretend that everything is okay. Talk to someone about your anger. Most of the time, talking will help you feel better. A lot of times caregivers don't feel like they have the right to these feelings, that only the cancer patient does. Cancer definitely affects the entire family, and you must acknowledge these feelings and work through them, for everyone's sake.


The word 'cancer' frightens everyone I know! You may be afraid or worried about:

Taking care of your loved one
Taking care of your family
Paying your bills
Keeping your own job while taking care of your loved one
Losing your loved one

Most people feel better when they know what to expect. You will feel less afraid when you learn more about the specific kind of cancer and its treatment....so read as much as you can and learn as much as you can about your loved one's cancer. Don't let the word cancer disempower you. Knowing the facts, and recommended treatments will reduce your fear, and make you a stronger partner for your loved one.


Your body may react to the stress and worry of your loved one's cancer. You can learn to handle stress in many ways, like:

Talking to people in the same situation as you are
Listening to music
Reading books, poems, or magazines
Relaxing or meditating
Talking about your feelings with family and close friends
Writing your feelings down in a journal to get further clarity around them

The key is to find ways to control stress and not to let it control you.

Lack of Control

When you first learn that your loved one has cancer, you may feel as if your life is out of control. You may feel this way because:

You are now focused on doctor visits and treatments
You feel helpless
You feel like you don't have time to do the things you normally do

Stay focused on what you can do, right now, to improve the situation. And remember, it won't always be this way.


You may find that your friends or friends don't know how to deal with your loved one's cancer and they may not ask about it or know what to say. You may not have the energy or focus to take part in the hobbies and activities you used to enjoy. And sometimes, even when you are with people you love and care about, you may feel that no one understands what you are going through as everyone is focused on your loved one.

Consider joining a support group or talking to a close friend or family member that understands. It always help to know that you are not alone.


Once you have accepted that your loved one has cancer, you will often feel a sense of hope. There are many reasons to feel hopeful.

People with cancer can (and do) lead active lives, even during treatment
Your chances of your loved one's living with--and living beyond--cancer are better now than they have ever been before Many doctors and most alternative practitioners think that hope may help the body deal with cancer. Scientists are looking at the question of whether a hopeful outlook and positive attitude helps people feel better. If you are hopeful, that will help your loved one be hopeful as well.

Here are some ways you can build your sense of hope:

Write down your hopeful feelings and talk about them with others
Plan your days as you usually have done
Don't limit the things you like to do
Consciously look for reasons to hope

You will experience so many feelings as you learn to live with your loved one's cancer diagnosis. It's OK to take time to mourn and let the diagnosis sink in. It may feel like a loss of freedom and safety, but it won't always be this way. Life moves forward, and your loved one's cancer becomes just one more thing in your life that you have to deal with. Once you tackle this cancer head on, there's nothing you can't do!

Copyright (c) 2007 Jayne Hutchinson

About The Author

Jayne Hutchinson was immersed into a new world after her husband was diagnosed with cancer. She found there was little information and support available for spouses and partners. She created the My Loved One Has Cancer web site to fill that gap.This web site features comprehensive resources and tools to make the cancer journey easier for the spouse or partner of a loved one with cancer. http://www.mylovedonehascancer.com